A Broken People And A Broken System

One would be hard pressed to find a time in our brief history of existence where our republic was in greater danger of being destroyed. Yes, you could definitely argue that during the Civil War era our country was close to coming apart at the seams. That is a fair argument and the only one that can be cited and compared to our current precarious situation in which we sit. In a strange way, we are in a new civil war. An ideological civil war pitting self-government and self-reliance against the tyranny of a massive out-of-control central government. The American people have become slaves to the federal government. They have grown more and more dependent on the government taking care of them from the cradle to the grave. But this isn't what our founding fathers fought so hard to build. They fought to escape the chains of tyranny and oppression and establish a republic built on everyone having a right to pursue life, liberty, and happiness in whichever way they saw fit. Unfortuna...