Living In A Prison Of The Mind
What could possibly be worse than living in a dark lonely prison cell for the rest of your life on earth? Maybe, just maybe, living in a dark lonely prison cell deep in the recesses of one's own mind. The likelihood of Hillary Clinton ever seeing the inside of a prison cell for her crimes is about slim to none. Many people would find the mere image of Hillary in chains being led to prison a moment of gleeful justice. But in lieu of that day of justice maybe the silver lining is that she is living a tortured life within the confines of a prison cell in her mind where she is both the prisoner and the jailer. As Mrs. Clinton makes her rounds giving continuous speeches and commencement addresses over the last year and a half it becomes quite clear she is a tortured soul. Speaking to Yale University's graduating class several days ago she said she's "still not over" losing to President Trump in the 2016 election. "I remember the first months after that