A Boy And The Rock

Many years ago there was a shy little boy who was struggling to find his way in the world. He was a tall skinny boy who wasn't one of the popular kids in school. As kids are known to do, this boy was teased and picked on all throughout his formative years. With cries of toothpick and stick among the nicknames he heard often, this boy often wondered why he was made to endure this kind of teasing. Where could he find solace and refuge? His solace and refuge became a big rock underneath an old oak tree in a field across from where he lived. On a beautiful day during the school year you would find him on that rock having a long chat with God. They would chat, or should I say, the little boy would chat and God would listen. The boy would ask why God made him this way and what his purpose was in this world. That boy never received any audible answers but he felt the presence of God as he talked and cast his cares and worries upon that rock. That boy was reminded of a verse in the bo...