The American Version Of Mao's Cultural Revolution

In August 1966, Mao Zedong launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China to reassert ideological purity and purge what he saw was a growing embrace of bourgeois values and a diminishing revolutionary spirit. The goal was to rid the Chinese population of the "Four Olds". Those consisted of old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas. It was meant to be a cleansing, if you will, and a transforming of an old China into an ideologically pure nation worthy to continue in Mao's vision. Now, fifty-five years later, we are witnessing an American version of Mao's Cultural Revolution. This neo-Marxist "Cultural Revolution" in America hasn't happened overnight. It has been a steady and systematic assault on God, American values, American historical icons, and our Constitution. It has accelerated over the past year and it will continue to gain momentum given that Democrats are in control. This revolution was in its infancy during the late 1...