Socialism: The Big Lie

With the excitement and euphoria surrounding Sen. Bernie Sanders, especially from younger people, I often ponder why does socialism continue to lure in people. After years of historical evidence and the clear failure of the socialist ideology in numerous countries you would think it would be laughed off in a New York minute. And especially in America, where our founding fathers set up a constitutional republic, escaping the tyranny of a king. Yet, we find a self-proclaimed socialist in Bernie Sanders, drawing crowds of screaming fans, especially Millenials. Why? I have pondered this now for several weeks, and it is not a simple answer. I do believe part of it is due to our education system, which is constituted of a majority of liberals, shaping and molding the minds of our youth to the acceptance and positives of socialism. Since the 1960's the Left has managed to work their way into the education system at every level and been able to rewrite our history and reshape our you...