A Grand Ole Pilfering

I am not sure if my title is quite the right choice of words, but please bear with me as I lay out my argument. To pilfer means to steal or take something and usually it is of a small value. The value of these items pilfered has no monetary value, but their value is more important in a moralistic sense. So what exactly am I referring to? For too many years now, the GOP has pilfered the trust and faith of conservatives and evangelicals and has inevitably led us to the rise of Donald Trump. They have consistently pandered and played to the conservative wing of the Republican Party by promising to adhere to the platform of the party and effect change in exchange for our votes. They have used and abused that faith and trust over a good number of years now to the point where the well is dry. By offering up a string of moderate Republican presidential candidates from Bob Dole to John McCain to Mitt Romney and diminishing any real conservative as a small m...