What Is The Democrats Endgame?

President Trump has been in office now for just over a year and we have heard the same mantra from the Democrats. That narrative is a game of "Blame and Shame". Your game show hosts are a general mix of ne'er-do-wells from the somewhat lucid Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to the more mentally unstable Maxine Waters. It involves such shaming as calling Mr. Trump mentally unstable, unfit for office, colluding with Russia, an illegitimate president, a general obstructionist of justice, a sexual predator, and lest we forget to mention, the new Hitler. Yes, the Democrats are not lacking in their creativity skills. But what is their endgame? Surely, they can't think this game of blame and shame will get them back in power? History says that the Democrats do have a good chance of gaining seats and momentum in the midterm elections. History is usually a good guide and most bettors in Vegas look for trends. Midterms tend to bring much lower voter turnout than presidential...