The Left's Double Standard

I wrote a piece several weeks ago entitled, The Inconsistency Of The Left. In it, I highlighted how the progressive crowd is in full support of a woman's right to choose to have an abortion but they want to restrict that same woman from having a gun to protect herself and her family. On one hand they champion an individual's liberty and on the other they champion the rights of the collective and throw away individual liberty. The Left pick and choose as they go depending on what fits their needs at the time. Not surprising then that this double standard is also applied to people in the entertainment industry as well. With the Roseanne Barr story fresh and the ink still not dry we get another celebrity who has given us a chance to see this glaring double standard. Samantha Bee is a comedian on a late-night television show called, Full Frontal, which airs on TBS. Many may not even know her but she is surely screaming for more attention. She called Ivanka Trump a "fe...