The Interesting Quandary For Democrats And Biden

The Democrats have a dilemma. Joe Biden leads the polls for the Democratic Party presidential nomination as he officially announces his candidacy. The barrage of attacks already began even before he officially put his hat in the ring. When you are perceived as the leader the long knives usually come out. The issues revolve around Biden being just a tad too friendly and invasive around women and little girls. Those pictures and video clips have been around for years now but recently a few women have come forward to the press to highlight their own uncomfortable experiences around Joe. But Biden has much deeper problems than being too friendly with his hands and mouth. The deeper problems involve pay-for-play and obstruction of justice. As journalist Peter Schweizer has highlighted in his book, "Secret Empires: How The American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends," Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, have some serious questions to answer invol...