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How The Left Uses History To Undermine A Republic

By now, most people have heard the liberals comparing President Trump to Adolf Hitler. One can assume this is due to Trump's immigration reform policies, his stance on Muslims and Muslim refugees, his ongoing conflicts with the mainstream media and print journalism, and his campaign slogan of "Make America Great Again". The more interesting analysis is why they would exactly do this. There are a couple reasons one can conclude for this. One reason would be they are not well-versed in German history and have just a cursory knowledge of NAZI Germany and thus don't honestly know the facts and truth of history. A second reason may be that they do have a full-fledged knowledge of the NAZI's and are just playing fast and loose with the truth and facts in order to paint a false narrative in the minds of Americans. With the dumbing down of America over the last several years through our failing education system, it is quite plausible that just incurring this image of H...

Symptoms Of A Great National Malaise

  There is a great malaise that is prevalent throughout America. It's growing deeper and stronger with each passing day. There are some of us who recognize this and are awake. Unfortunately, many others are ignorant and apathetic. This sickness is a spiritual and intellectual disease. Take a look around. On any given day you will find news stories filled with examples of the depravity and licentiousness that eat away at the soul of our republic.  This past week the voters of Ohio came to the polls to approve Issue 1 which moved the line for a legal abortion from 21 weeks and six days to 40 weeks. There are eight million registered voters in Ohio but only slightly more than two million that actually cast ballots. Thus, only one in four registered Ohio voters decided for the entire state. The proponents put this on the ballot on an off-election year rather than next year for a presidential election for obvious reasons. One cannot blame them for being shrewd and taking advantage ...

The American Version Of Mao's Cultural Revolution

  In August 1966, Mao Zedong launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China to reassert ideological purity and purge what he saw was a growing embrace of bourgeois values and a diminishing revolutionary spirit. The goal was to rid the Chinese population of the "Four Olds". Those consisted of old customs, old culture, old habits, and old ideas. It was meant to be a cleansing, if you will, and a transforming of an old China into an ideologically pure nation worthy to continue in Mao's vision. Now, fifty-five years later, we are witnessing an American version of Mao's Cultural Revolution.  This neo-Marxist "Cultural Revolution" in America hasn't happened overnight. It has been a steady and systematic assault on God, American values, American historical icons, and our Constitution. It has accelerated over the past year and it will continue to gain momentum given that Democrats are in control.  This revolution was in its infancy during the late 1...

When The Thought Police Come Calling

  The thought police are alive and well and coming to your house, if you are a conservative thinker that is. Twitter decided to use their iron fist after the U.S. Capitol events to begin purging conservative accounts on their social media platform. Google and Apple decided to ban Parler from their app download stores on smartphones. Yes, Big Tech wants everyone to know they are the enforcers of what constitutes legitimate thought and what is deemed hate speech. Welcome to George Orwell's "1984". He should have entitled it, "2021".  This should send chills down your spine. Some will say these are businesses and thus they are allowed to choose who is on their various platforms. It's not a free speech issue they say and it doesn't bother them at all. While Twitter and Facebook are perfectly free to purge their users under their user agreements it should be a warning of what is to come. Remember Big Tech companies control much of the internet. These platform...

An American Tragedy

A tragedy is defined as a play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, especially one involving the downfall of the main character. That main character is typically brought down by his/her own flaws, which usually tend to be ordinary human flaws. Given America's current political landscape there are numerous words that could be chosen to describe how a once great constitutional republic has found itself in the midst of a Bolshevik revolution. Ironic, for a country who fought against fascism and communism, that it now finds those same fascistic winds blowing in the land of the free. However ironic it is, tragic most aptly sums up how America has fallen due to its own flaws. Those flaws include ignorance, apathy, a broken moral compass, a loss of patriotism, and a distinct move away from God.     Just forty years ago, Ronald Reagan ushered in an American revival. After the dark malaise of the Carter years, he infused a shot of patriotism and energy that reinvig...

The Abject Failure Of Nixon's China Policy

On February 21st, 1972 President Richard Nixon arrived in China for a historic eight-day trip. He was taking a risky gamble. But in Nixon's mind it was a gamble worth taking. Nixon wrote: "The world cannot be safe until China changes. Thus our aim, to the extent that we can influence events, should be to induce change. The way to do this is to persuade China that it must change: that it cannot satisfy its imperial ambitions." He had three main goals. First, opening up China would give the United States more flexibility on the world scene. Second, it would provide the U.S. more leverage against the Soviet Union and get their attention. Third, he hoped it would help in resolving the Vietnam War and provide for a way to pull out and save face. Ultimately, Nixon didn't get his wish on Vietnam. China continued to provide arms, materials, and fighters to the North Vietnamese leading America to a humiliating retreat. He fared much better though on his goal of gaini...

A Wake Up Call

January 2nd, 2020 started off like any other workday for me. When I woke up at 5am I had no idea that God would deliver me a wake-up call some five hours later. I showered and shaved as usual and got myself dressed for work. Fixed some sandwiches and packed my lunch for a full day of stops doing pest control work. I drove to Huntsville, Alabama and arrived at the Target Distribution Center around 7:45am. I did my inspection of the facility and around 10:30am I ended up back in my work truck to type up my report on my phone. That's when God sent me a personal wake-up call. My phone dropped from my right hand and my right arm went numb and dead. My entire right-side of my body was numb. My right-side of my face began twitching and my speech was slurred. I recognized the signs. I was having a stroke. It lasted for ten to fifteen minutes. I had no choice but to ride it out until it finally subsided. After I felt feeling slowly coming back I decided to get out of my truck and se...

The Real Conversation Democrats Don't Want To Have

After a week of listening to the talking heads and politicians bloviating on more gun laws, gun buyback programs, red-flag laws, and further curtailing the Second Amendment it has become crystal clear that we have the same conversations everytime there is a mass-shooting in our republic. We never truly have serious conversations about guns and gun violence. This latest massacre is all about politics and using President Trump, the NRA, and "white supremacists" as the boogeymen by Democrats to gain votes and power in the 2020 elections. You can't blame them for trying to deflect from the real conversation they don't wish to have. That real conversation should be about the moral decay in our republic and how moral relativism has led us to this point. How Democrats and the left have played a key role in aiding and abetting this moral decay over the last fifty years. When you continue to push God further and further away through a virulent and consistent messaging and...