Memorial Day: Honoring Our Brave

Memorial Day is a special day to remember and honor those brave soldiers who gave the ultimate sacrifice, so all of us could continue to live in freedom and liberty. From Normandy to Vietnam to Korea to Iwo Jima and numerous other battlefields throughout the world, our finest soldiers fought against the evils of fascism and communism to help preserve our security and give others the hope of living in freedom. Freedom isn't free my friends, and it comes with a price. The soldiers we honor today, hopefully remind us of that, as our republic continues to bend and crack in these tumultuous times.

As you embark on celebrating this holiday, I would ask you to take a few moments to honor and remember these brave men and women, and thank God that such people lived. Without these folks, our republic may have succumbed to fascism or communism. The battles we have yet had to fight, are on the horizon, and they loom large. We will need to summon that same honor and courage and duty to fight our upcoming wars, because our freedom and independence must be maintained and passed on to future generations, so they can carry on that torch of liberty. America was founded by the brave and it will continue to stand because of the brave. God bless America!


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