Liberalism Exposes Its Heart Of Darkness

As we move into a new year, it is good to look back and learn from this past year. After a very long and grinding political campaign, there are some important takeaways that need to be noted. For many years now, liberals have taken the moral high ground and deemed themselves to be much more compassionate, understanding, open-minded, and genuinely more accepting and diverse than conservatives. However, nothing could be further from the truth. The last few months have exposed a real heart of darkness that lies at the core of liberalism. There are two major ways it has manifested itself. The first way is that liberals can't and won't accept personal responsibility. From Hillary Clinton on down to the average base liberal, we have seen this constant and consistent blame game. The intent is to shift the focus from the real reasons Hillary lost the election to Donald Trump, and go down a road of setting up paper tigers. Those paper tigers include such fanciful follies as Russian...